Thursday, August 30, 2012

The Best Cravings

   When it has been a bad day or maybe a bad week what are the things you turn to to find comfort and satisfaction? If I am stressed or having a bad day I go shopping. I literally could shop everyday. I love to scour the stores to find that perfect item that was meant just for me! I can buy a phone case or a wallet or earrings...really anything and instantly I feel better. I get home and pull my purchase out of the sack only to feel empty again. If you have ever tried to fill a void with any earthly thing then you know what I am talking about.

   I have friends that have tried to fill this void with relationships. I have had friends that felt like if they met Mr. Right the void would then be full. They have spent countless time and heartache on relationships only to find that the guy is a loser or maybe he is fabulous but the void is still there. 

   I have had friends that have tried to fill the void with hobbies. Hunting, Running, or the beach these things all are great in the moment but at the end of the day when the hunt is complete, the runners high has deflated or the sun sets on the ocean the void begins to pour in.

   Over the past few weeks I have been praying a prayer and I want to share it...

Lord,  at the start of this day please fill me up to the brim with YOU. Fill me with YOUR ever satisfying love. Fill me with YOUR ever satisfying peace. Fill me with YOUR ever satisfying comfort. Lord, I want to be full of YOU so that I don't spend today chasing after everything else that will momentarily make me feel complete. I want to be complete in YOU because I know that YOU are the only thing that can make me whole. In Jesus name, amen.

It is so easy to crave the things of this earth. They all look so inticing. But if you spend a day full of the Lord you will find true comfort.

Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Girl Talk

  Eph 4:29. Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

I cannot believe she wore that outfit last night! She has gained so much weight! Can you believe how she handles her kids?...All of these things and many more have came out of my mouth about people that I call sisters in Christ. I am ashamed, embarassed and sorry. I also will admit that it will probably happen a million more times during my life.

   It has always been a question of mine but why is gossip and slander so popular amongst females? I am not saying that guys don't do it but it is much less frequent than girls. A group of girls get in a room and they immediately start in on another girl. Words cut deep, they stay in your heart and in your mind long after the I'm sorry's are exchanged.

   Sunday morning our sermon focused on Ephesians 4:28-32. One verse imparticular jumped out at me. I made a pact with Brian on Sunday that this would be my focus for the week. I have only failed 10,000 times already this week but I have caught myself most of those times and gone back to the verse to reflect and refresh myself.

   Eph 4:29. Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.

  Wow I have been stunned this week at how big of a struggle this is for me. I have been made aware that so many of us call each other friends and sisters in Christ and worship in the same room only to turn around and say a nasty remark about each other. I am thankful for this verse jumping out at me.

   I am taking on a challenge and I encourage any of you reading this to take it with me...I am committing to build up people instead of tear them down. I am asking those that I know when they hear me say something that tears down to bring it to my attention so that I may go back to the verse and reflect.

   Eph 4:29. Don't use foul or abusive language. Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.