Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Brothers and Sisters

         It is my very favorite show! It comes on ABC on Sunday nights at 9p.m. If I am not home to watch it I always make it a point to tivo it. The show is about a family with 5 siblings and the life happenings of all of them. There has not been an episode yet where one of the siblings did not have some sort of major decision or major life event happening. The best part of the show is not the "drama" but instead it is the way that even during arguments the family rallies together, loves each other hard and solves problems as a team.

      I come from a large family. I have 3 brothers and Brian has 1 sister we often joke about how similar our real life is to the show. It seems that one of us always has something going on. A big decision, upsetting news, exciting news...there is always something. When one of us has a big decision to make it is our siblings that we always turn to. When one of us receives upsetting news the first people we go to are our siblings. When we have exciting news the first people to hear the news are our siblings. It is truly a joy to share life with brothers and sisters who root for you and deeply desire the best for each others lives.

   My brothers and sisters have seen me at my absolute worst. They have seen me at my absolute best and through it all they have loved me unconditionally. The same is true of them. I have seen them at both their worst and their best. I have loved them through it all. We have delivered tough messages to each other. Sometimes the truth hurts but it is what we all need to hear.

    This past weekend over the Thanksgiving holiday we were able to spend almost the entire weekend together. We laughed, talked about our futures, played and even cooked ducks at my house(this was my least favorite activity). The gift of siblings is a gift from God and I thank Him for creating the bond that we get to share! I also thank mine and Brian's parents for having siblings for us to enjoy :)

  My hope is that you all had a blessed Thanksgiving!!

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