Sunday, November 7, 2010

Lessons From My Mother

     "The wind doesn't blow at night" this is a statement that my mom has tried to convince us is true for a very long time. My mom's grandmother told her this as a child and to this day my mom still "says" she believes it. I however have been to Chicago enough times to know that this statement is completely false.

    "Your dad is my best friend." My mom has said this thousands of times in my life and I've always believed it but last fall when my dad got sick I got to see these words in action. The sacrifices that my mom made, the love my mom showed could only be made and shown to a best friend.

"When you can't sleep at night it is because God is wanting you to talk to Him." I have never been a great sleeper and there was a period in the 8th grade where I really struggled with sleep. During this period my mom would tell me to talk to God and I found that in the middle of the night when the rest of the world slept I was able to pour my heart out to God in a way that I would've never done had it not been for my mom.

   I am a little older now and I can see just how smart my mom is (except for the wind blowing at night part). I now have a best friend in Brian and I have made a commitment to him to love him, to make sacrifices for him and to be the very best that I can be with him. The example that was set before me has made this task a little easier.

   I am also pregnant now so the whole lack of sleep thing has returned. I fall asleep fine but I find myself waking up at 2a.m. with my mind full of all sorts of things. It is during these late night hours that I find myself talking to God, pouring out my anxieties, excitments, and thoughts. How exciting that we serve a God who is open for communication 24/7?!

   I am thankful for the wisdom that my mom has shared with me and I am thankful for a God that listens to me and wants me talk to Him ANYTIME!!

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