Tuesday, January 25, 2011

What is in A Name?

   As most of you know we found out last week that we are having a little girl. We were both very excited and started making plans right away. My plans have been on decorating the nursery, buying the cutest clothes that I can find and finding the perfect name for our little girl. Brian's plans have been to start preparing how he will handle her first date, how he will ever say "No" to a little girl, and he too has been on the lookout for the perfect name.

    Everyone's first question has changed from "Do you know what you are having?" to "What are you going to name her?" To be perfectly honest we really don't know and we may not know for sure until her birthday. We have looked high and low for the name that we feel will best suit our little girl. Our hope is to find a name that she is proud of, a name that we can both agree on, but most importantly a name that when spoken is known for her heart for God.

   There are so many names that when spoken we associate something with them. Some good, some bad. In the bible there is Ruth - I think of loyalty, David - a man after God's heart, Paul - a changed man that loves  God more than himself, Mary - a scared girl that chose God's will and promise over her fear. The list could go on and on. Then there are names in our culture like Lady Gaga - crazy dresser, Kanye - too outspoken, this list could go on and on as well.

   I guess what I am getting at is that it is more than the name. It is the legacy that goes with the name. Our prayer for our little girl is that the legacy that goes with her name is one that honors God, one that keeps His commands. We pray that the footprints she leaves on this life show that she is a woman of God, that she loves Him more than herself, that she is good to the best and to the least. The name itself doesn't really matter (and lets face it... not everyone will like her name) but the legacy; the legacy that is associated with her name matters. We pray everyday for this angel to love the Lord and to live her life in a way that pleases Him. We will continue on our search for that perfect name all the while praying for a child that loves the Lord.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent blog! I love the song "I Will Change Your Name" that Zoe Group sings. Jesus has changed our name and whatever name the two of you choose for your little girl will reflect the love you have for Him and the priority He holds in your lives and hers! Can't wait to meet little __________?!
