Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Prayerful Marriage

      When Brian and I were engaged we took a class called His Needs, Her Needs. We walked away from this class with tons of lessons and ideas that we wanted to implement in our own marriage. One of the biggest things that this class reiterates over and over is prayer time together as a couple. Several times while dating we prayed together but it was sporadic at best. During this class we committed to each other to do this together as often as we could.

       Praying together brought on a new level of intimacy, it allowed me to know Brian and Brian to know me in a way that we hadn't in the 7 years we dated. It gave me a confidence in our relationship that I really cannot describe. As life went on we got married, lived in Memphis, I worked 60 hours a week and Brian was studying when he wasn't in school. The time that we made for each other was less about prayer and more about date nights, time with friends and so on. We prayed on occasion with each other especially if we had a big decision but for the most part my prayers were mine and Brian's prayers were his. We moved to Jackson almost 2 years ago and shortly after my dad got sick. This definitely brought us to our knees. We found each other praying together, crying out together for healing for understanding and at this time I felt that we as a unit were closer to God.

       Since then we have kept the routine of praying together as a couple. Prayers of rejoicing, concerns and just to proclaim the love that we share for our heavenly Father. During our time of prayer we have prayed concerns that we might not otherwise talk about, we thank God for things that we thought the other didn't even notice. I have gotten to hear my husband pray the most precious prayers for this unborn little girl and I can promise you that prayer never gets old.

      I say all this to say that date nights, quality time, communication they are all so important in a marriage but I am here saying that our marriage is at its best when we are praying to our heavenly Father together. It is a definite positive and I am so thankful that we were taught at a young age how wonderful it is.

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