Friday, March 25, 2011

Blessings, Gifts and Talents!

      She has been blessed with many talents but most would argue that cooking is the best of these. She doesn't reserve her talents for herself instead she shares with everyone and anyone who is hurting or anyone that she loves.  When my dad was hospitalized for a month she brought multiple wonderful meals to my parents and get this...every single day she brought fresh coffee to the hospital. She doesn't do this because she has more free time than you or me, she doesn't do this to receive something in return. She does this because she is thankful for the gifts that God has blessed her with and the way she says thank you, the way that Jesus lives through her is by the sharing of her talents.

     A couple of weeks ago I was at home sick with a viral infection I got an inbox message on facebook saying "I am bringing miracle soup to your house I will leave it on the front porch."  The soup tasted awesome (especially to my sore throat) but the miracle wasn't in the soup itself. The miracle was in the hands that prepared it, the serving heart that brought it by out of the blue.

      Her name is Margaret Morrison and if you know her you have probably tasted some wonderful delicacy that she has made. Either a cake ball, soup, her salmon...truly this list is endless. I have loved everything she has made but even more than the taste I have loved the reminder that she gives to me and to so many others. The reminder to be thankful for the gifts and talents that we have been blessed with and to use them to the Glory of God and to bless others. Thank you Margaret for the willingness to bless others with your talents!

1 comment:

  1. Cheers for Margaret and for you Brooke for
    expressing your thoughts so beautifully.
    Your talent in writing is a blessing to others
