Thursday, February 2, 2012


        Well today is February 2nd and statistics say that 85% of us that made new years resolutions on January 1st have already left those resolutions behind. I am not sure if you are the type of person that makes new years resolutions or not. I am not a new years resolution type person. I have never been one to make resolutions and I think that a big part of the reason is because I know myself and I know that I wouldn't be disciplined enough to follow through for an entire year.

       This year however was different. I made a resolution. While I do need to eat healthier, lose weight, read my bible more (this list is endless) the resolution that I made was not about myself. I made a resolution to pray for someone new each week. Every Sunday since the begining of this year I have picked one person and I have prayed for them throughout the entire week. While driving my car, blow drying my hair, jogging through my neighborhood I have said prayers for a special person each week. Some of these people I have told and others I haven't even mentioned it to.

       This resolution has been relatively easy to keep. I have seriously enjoyed spending time focusing on someone else other than myself. It is so so so easy to get caught up in all the things that I would like to be different in my own life and when I focus only on me I find that I become bitter, jealous and selfish. To pray for someone else each week has taken the focus that I am so good at putting on myself and geared it towards someone else.

        If you are going through a time of self pity or a low in your life I encourage you to turn the focus off of you and turn it towards someone else. You will find that there is so much JOY in praying focusing and caring for others! You will find that seeing God work in the lives of others is such a reward!! May we all pray more and pray for each other!

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