Tuesday, March 18, 2014

In the Present

               When I was pregnant with her I couldn't wait to have her in my arms.  When she was  a newborn I couldn't wait until she could sleep for longer stretches at a time.  When she was 3 months I couldn't wait for her to be 6 months so she could sit up. When she was 6 months I couldn't wait for her to start crawling. When she was 11 months I couldn't wait for her to start walking. So much developed those first 18 months and when I look back I see that when she hit those big milestones I was anxious to see what was next instead of savoring the moment that we were in.

             She is 2 years old now and she is her own person. She talks all the time and she laughs at things she finds funny and turns up her nose at things that don't please her. She likes to do everything by herself. I now find myself wishing for time to stand still. She is more refreshing than a cold glass of water on a hot summer day and I want to drink all of this in. I want to savor it all and make the most of every precious moment that I am blessed with. 

          When I hug her and say "I love you" she says "no, mommy I love you more" and while I don't believe it's possible for her to love me more I feel my entire being melt like wax at her precious words. We have 50 something days left until our baby boy, Wells, arrives and while pregnancy at this point is very uncomfortable and very hard with a 2 year old I am trying with all that I am to not wish for tomorrow but instead to savor today. 

       My prayer is to be present in the moment and to make the most of every moment. I know that time flies with one child and it will certainly zoom when we have two.  I pray for us to continue to have a home that keeps Christ at the forefront and that we never lose focus of our purpose here on this earth.

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