Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Let Them Be Little


The nights your baby just won't sleep, the time your toddler decides to throw an Oscar worthy tantrum in the middle of target, Easter Sunday you put that brand new bubble on your baby boy and he immediately has a blow out ruining the bubble.  Moments like these leave you dreaming of them just a little bit older.  Nights where they sleep better, trips to target where they are mature enough to not throw tantrums,  Sundays where they are potty trained and make it to church in the outfit you had planned. 
She is headed out for her first date,  He is now 30 minutes late for curfew and isn't answering his cell phone, she has decided that being seen in public with her parents is as bad as having ebola.  Moments like these leave you reminiscing of the days when they were with you all the time.  These moments leave you longing for the time when she said she wanted to marry daddy, longing for the time when his only truck was a Tonka truck that he rolled up and down the sidewalk, wishing for times when she asked to hold your hand as you walked down the street. 
While babies and toddlers are hard, it only gets harder.  Appreciate the tenderness of these tiny souls and don't wish for another day.  For when another day comes you will surely miss these young times.   

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