Tuesday, April 14, 2015

When Will Enough Be Enough?

             While I was still pregnant with my second child I was already devising a plan to get to my goal weight once the baby was born.  As many people told me, losing the weight the second time is a little more difficult.  Not sure if it is because of a second pregnancy or because I was a little older but what people told me was true.  It took me around 9 months the second time and I was strict with my diet and exercise.  I was stuck 3 pounds above my goal weight for about two months.  I remember I would think if I can just hit my goal number I will be so happy. 

            The week that I finally reached my goal weight I was excited! I even took a picture and sent it to my husband.  I think he was excited to not have to hear me complaining about it anymore.  Much to his and my disappointment, I found myself,  not even a day after reaching my goal, wondering if I would be happier if I could lose another 3-5 pounds.  A question comes to my mind

 "when will enough ever be enough?"

           I look at my three year old daughter, watch her as she twirls around in her swimsuit.  She proudly proclaims "look at me! I am on the dancing show!"  She is referring to Dancing With The Stars. She says "mommy put your swimsuit on and dance with me you can be on the dancing show too."  Now I don't know about you but the last time I looked my body is far from looking as tight and amazing as one of the dancers.  In my young girls words there is so much confidence, so much sincerity. 

          She hasn't hit the awkward stage of middle school where you hate your body and the way you look.  She sees all people the same and she doesn't even care about a number on a scale.  She teaches me lessons everyday.  Today the lesson is that joy comes from the love around me and the security in that.  So much to my own surprise I go put on my swimsuit and we dance.  If I am honest I said a prayer or two that the UPS man wouldn't come knock on the door! ha!

          Today may we all choose to love ourselves and our bodies.  If it is hard to do for ourselves than may we do it for our children.  Don't let children think that happiness must come from a number on a scale or a certain size jean.  Today let enough be enough!

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