Wednesday, August 19, 2015

Sowing Seeds

           Here at our house we are incredibly SAD to see summer go.  We will miss the long hours of daylight, my babies being home everyday, swimming everyday, eating our meals outside and just the joy that summertime brings.  With each school year that begins it is a sharp painful reminder that my kids are another year older.  Every summer seems a little shorter and my kids seem to get bigger, faster with each passing year.  The hustle and bustle of daytime activities and chores keep my mind busy but at night when my kids are tucked in,  and lunches for the next day are made, I find myself wondering, questioning if I am doing enough?

          I hope and pray that everyday I am sowing seeds in my kids garden of life.  Seeds to equip them with confidence to stand up in what they believe in, seeds that trigger their little souls to help others...especially the ones that can't repay you.  Seeds of empathy for the trials that others are facing.  Seeds of faith to know that even when they can't see ahead that God is already there.  Seeds of hunger to yearn for more of a life like Jesus and in Jesus.

         The older my kids get the more and more time they will have outside of my nest.  The more time they will be away from this mamma's watchful eye.  I know that the seeds that are planted inside of their garden now are seeds that will remain with them always. I know that every decision I make, every move I make is being seen by little eyes and heard by little ears.  It is in my actions and in my words that the seeds are sown in my kids.

        " May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to You my rock and my Lord "   Psalms 19:14 and may my actions be the type of actions that honor God.  My hope and prayer is that I can be an example to my children.



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