Babbling Brooke

Babbling Brooke

Monday, February 13, 2012

Love Your Loves!

If you have been in any sort of relationship then no doubt you have experienced it...petty bickering. Arguing over something completely unimportant and suddenly what was a petty argument has exploded into this HUGE, BIG, UGLY argument. Brian and I will be married 7 years this year so I can confidently say we have experience our share of petty bickering. Not necessarily something I am proud to admit but never the less has happened.

A couple of weeks ago Brian and I went to Greenfield to my aunts store I was being a very good "backseat driver" for most of the ride so it should not have surprised me when Brian snapped at me for telling him which parking spot to pull into. Unfortunately I was surprised and I did not handle it well. After he snapped I responded quickly with a tacky comment and then he back at me. Imagine a ping pong match of words...nasty words. "you drive me crazy telling me what spot to park in" " well you drive me crazy being the slowest person ever!" these comments continued and as Brian put the car in park I looked up and saw my grandad in the doorway of the store. I was painfully struck with the thought that my grandad would travel to the end of the earth to get to ride in the car with my grandma just one more time. Wow. The thought still pains me as I type it now.

This day was such a humble reminder of how blessed I am to have my husband here with me. This life passes so quick. I didn't realize just how fast until I experienced the death of someone so close to me and I have really been made aware now that I have a child. Like a dagger in my gut I was awakened to love my husband, cherish my husband and celebrate every moment that God blesses us with.

We were blessed to go away child free this past weekend and we really talked about our appreciation of each other. We talked about how quick life is and how much love we still have to give to each other. I am not exaggerating when I say this...our daughter at 8 months old already appreciates when she sees Brian and I greet each other at the end of the day. When he hugs me or kisses my forehead she smiles and hopefully it is teaching her at this young age to value marriage and to want a spouse that is much like her father.

With Valentine's tomorrow may we all stop and really take time out to tell the ones we love justbhow much they mean to us. May we pour out love on the ones we love and may we avoid the petty things that can so easily get in the way. Happy Valentine's!

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